This site along with our sister site Gravestone Rubbing Supplies is dedicated to our customers who have been purchasing our products since 1991. We owe our business success to all of you. You have inspired us to keep searching for new designs to add to our product collection. And because you continue to purchase our products, you have helped us set the high standards of quality and customer satisfaction that is "set in stone" as part of our business philosophy.

Did you know that early new England burying grounds were the first public art galleries in the new World? Even today, many of these verdant, tranquil sites contain a remarkable progression of the artistic, cultural and religious history of the region. Often, old gravestones explain how an entire family lived and died. Neglect, natural aging, and vandalism, unfortunately, have resulted in the destruction of some of the finest examples of the early stone carving, and numerous old cemeteries are closed to the public to protect the remaining stones.

Trough careful hand-rubbing on special paper, Gravestone Artwear has preserved hundreds of images representing the evolution of the early stone carver's art from 17th century symbols to the more sophisticated and artistic tableaux of the 19th century. This catalog illustrates the depictions of 17th through 19th century gravestone carvings from New England, ancient Celtic designs from Ireland, and medieval brass rubbings from England.

Studio at York Harbor, Maine, these beautiful images are made into silk screens and meticulously printed onto t-shirts and a collection of velvet garments and accessories. Hang tags describe the designs, their origins, and detail the symbolism used by the stone carvers.

** Featured in: The Boston Globe, Yankee Magazine, Down East Magazine, the Portland Press Herald, TWA's Ambassador, The Portsmouth Herald, Fosters Daily Democrat, The New Age Retailer, WCSH-TV