18th Century Sunburst Variation
18th Century Sunburst Variation
18th Century Sunburst Variation
18th Century Sunburst Variation
18th Century Sunburst Variation
18th Century Sunburst Variation
18th Century Sunburst Variation

18th Century Sunburst Variation

From the East Burial Ground, Bristol, Rhode Island

Both the end of earthly life and the Beginnings of Heavenly life are represented by a Rising or Setting Sun. Other noteworthy symbols commonly found on New England gravestones include:

Angels - the Heavenly Messenger

Sheaves of Wheat - the Final harvest

Wings - Flight of the Spirit

Willows - Sorrow, weeping with Grief

Tree - Tree of Life

Skulls and Death Heads - Death of the Body

White imagery on Black shirt short or *long sleeve style.

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