Birds and Dogs (Round) # CD01
Birds and Dogs (Round) # CD01

Birds and Dogs (Round) # CD01

The Ancient Celts migrated from central Europe to Ireland, during the first millennium B.C. Their art forms blended with those of the native population, over the centuries resulting in a rich and varied context of geometric and zoomorphic forms. Intricate spirals and knot work were incorporated with fanciful beasts, birds and serpents, on both Pagan and Christian burial artifacts. Even the functional weapons utensils and jewelry of Ireland dating back 400 years ago bears some of this symbolism.

 Birds and Dogs – The sacred nature of these animals is reflected in the stories of shape shifting and magic hunts in the Gaelic tales of the Celts.



 White imagery on Black shirt short or *long sleeve style.

*For Long sleeve design on both sleeves check "Long sleeve shirt that has proper size and the "WITH" Box".
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